November 27th, 2006 at 11:24 am
I mentioned yesterday that it was going to be a hard day for DH and I. It really was. We came home from the almost 8-hour meeting and DH is very hurt. I don't know what to do to help him through this other than to show my support in any way I can. I am glad that today is a delivery day for me and that it is a long trip so I have time to process some things.
And speaking of deliveries...here's my chance to add money to my $20 challenge. I intend to pack a pb&j and see what else I can take along with me to eat so that I won't buy my lunch. My main challenge today is to find a beverage to take though. If I drink water while traveling, I need to take too many bathroom breaks, and where I go there isn't always that opportunity. If I drink soft drinks I do not have that problem because they tend to dehydrate me.
Maybe the solution is to stop at a store and buy soft drinks in a pack and then challenge myself to keep them at work and only drink them on my trips. That sounds like a pretty good plan, actually!
I see that my class software is finally working again. I guess that means that for the next 2 nights I'll be spending my evenings trying to get the homework done on time. How frustrating to have had the past 4 days to work on it and not be able to!
Posted in
Life Happens
November 27th, 2006 at 11:16 am
Spending for Sunday amounted to:
$43.98 for some things that DD needed on her way back to college
$18.66 to fill up the car
Posted in
November 26th, 2006 at 02:21 pm
I decided to take my $20 Challenge money and open an EmigrantDirect account. I will fund this account with any money that I save on this challenge. I don't know if I'll deposit weekly or monthly. It probably depends on how many deliveries I get done and they quite often depend on the weather and how busy we are at the office.
Now I'll be looking forward to my deliveries since I know they'll be earning me extra money!
Posted in
November 26th, 2006 at 12:47 pm
The 2 college kids go back to campus today. It will seem empty for a few days with only the other 3 left. But they'll be back in a few weeks for winter break. DS#1 will be home almost a month so he'll go back to work at his grocery store job. DD#1 only has a week off. She still has not been able to find a job, so isn't sure how next semester will be financed.
Don't want to go into details, but today is going to be a very hard day for DH and I. Nothing to do with the kids. This is concerning our church. I don't know what the outcome will be, but I'm not looking forward to it at all.
This morning I set up our electric bill for online paying. So now I can keep the $151 in my checking for a few more days. If I were to pay it by mail I would be mailing it out on Monday, but now I'll wait until 5 days before it's due to pay it on-line. So I edited the bill in Quicken to remind me again in 5 days that it's due.
I am trying to set each of our utility bills up to pay on-line. Some are easier to do than others.
Posted in
Life Happens
November 26th, 2006 at 12:19 pm
Dollar General: $35.31
Needed some basic essentials and a few food items.
Posted in
November 25th, 2006 at 08:28 pm
I know, I'm really late at starting the $20 Challenge as it's almost the end of the year. But, I was thinking today of ways that I can save extra money that is spent on things that are trivial.
So my challenge to myself is to save the money that I would spend each time I do a delivery for my job on lunch. I will try to pack my lunch more and not stop along the way and buy things. This is going to be challenging because it will probably mean a lot of pb&j. I do 17 deliveries every quarter so if I pay myself $5 for every trip that will be $340 a year.
I have set a goal of saving $500 by the end of next year.
Posted in
November 25th, 2006 at 12:47 pm
It's going to be a very expensive winter break for us. 3 of the kids will need eye exams for glasses. Both of the college kids need new glasses desperately and DS#3 thinks he will need to begin wearing them.
I really would like to get DS#1 glasses soon because he needs them the most. He'll be home for almost a month starting the middle of December, so that shouldn't be a problem. I just hate to make him wait until then. I had thought of taking him to the Walmart here and seeing if they could have the glasses shipped out to the Walmart near his college, but that seems like it would be complicated and prone to problems. I guess he's gone this long without them, that another few weeks won't make a big difference.
This is all going to shoot my medical budget to pieces.
Posted in
November 25th, 2006 at 12:35 pm
I had all day yesterday to work on my accounting 2 homework. It's due on Wednesday and it would have been great to get it done early. Went to the homework site and it wouldn't log me in! I tried off and on all day and then tried on my parents' computer, thinking maybe it was a problem with mine. Nope.
I haven't tried it yet today, but I sure hope it's up and running. I still have almost half of it to do and I'm not the type that waits until the last minute. The sooner I can get it done, the better.
Posted in
Life Happens
November 24th, 2006 at 02:07 pm
I redid my Quicken debt planner the other day and took out the mortgages so that I could see how long it would take us to be debt-free minus the mortgage. I thought if I broke it all down into a smaller goal that would help keep me on track since it would be a shorter time frame.
The results were:
- all bills but mortgages paid off in Feb. 2010
- $4,125.98 saved in interest
- CC#1 paid off in Feb. 2007
- CC#2 paid off in Sept. 2008
- furniture paid off in March 2009
- car paid for in Feb. 2010 (2 years and 1 month ahead of payment schedule)
Hopefully, it won't take as long since I didn't add in the extra money that I know will be coming in that I plan on using to make extra payments. And in January I'll be adding more to the payments out of my raise also.
Posted in
November 24th, 2006 at 02:00 pm
Just paid the bills for the day. They were:
Water & sewage: $46.50
Cable & internet: $54.58
I'm hoping the rest of the day is a no-spend day.
Posted in
November 23rd, 2006 at 03:01 pm
I noticed this morning that it was pretty dusty behind the freezer so I moved it out to clean and was rewarded with 15 cents to add to my change box!
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Emergency Fund
November 23rd, 2006 at 01:03 pm
I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
We are going to my parents' house. My brother, his wife, and daughter are here from Indiana. We usually only get to see them at Thanksgiving time.
They adopted their daugher from Estonia a few years ago. She is an only child and really enjoys getting together with her 7 cousins. I think she was so used to being in an orphange and surrounded by other children that she gets lonely. So I'm sure that she'll enjoy the full house today.
Posted in
Life Happens
November 23rd, 2006 at 12:58 pm
Spending for the day:
Tithe: $80
Angel Food for next month: $41.00
Life Insurance: $58.75
We haven't gotten a final decision on our term insurance yet, so I have to keep paying the whole life. I got a notice saying that my paperwork had all been received. My husband got a call from the paramedic that he needed to sign another form and they met at work last week and did that. So until the final policies are in my hands, I keep paying the whole life.
I also spent about $3.00 for lunch yesterday while traveling for my job. I sure wish a monthly food allowance was available. That's what most of my pocket money goes toward unless I take a pb&j with me 3 or 4 times a week.
Posted in
November 22nd, 2006 at 11:39 am
I now wish I had taken a vacation day for today just so I could get the laundry done that college DS and DD brought home! My tiny little bathroom is flooded with piles of it at the moment. I did 2 loads when we got home last night but I'll bet there are at least 5 (probably more) loads still to do! You can barely walk through to get to the washer.
So I know what my evening will be spent doing. Not that I mind much. Since we got the new washer it's been heaven to put the clothes in and then not have to go sit on it every time it spins. Of course I don't get as much reading done now either though. LOL!
Posted in
Life Happens
November 22nd, 2006 at 11:28 am
Well, the trip didn't cost us too much yesterday. We filled up at BJ's on the way out and on the way back and had dinner at the Country Buffet before leaving Erie.
Total cost:
I just hate paying for a buffet because I never eat my money's worth of food.
Posted in
November 21st, 2006 at 10:31 am
We're leaving at noon today to pick up our son and daughter from their colleges. DD#1 is only about an hour away while DS#1 is a little over 2. Thank goodness they're in the same general direction though! When DS#2 goes in a couple of years, he'll be in the opposite direction if he goes where he's looking now.
So this will mean spending money. I need to fill the car up at BJ's on our way out. Then we will be having dinner before we head back home also. I'm hoping that will be the extent of the spending for today though.
Of course, it will mean more laundry being done this weekend and more mouths to feed too!
Posted in
November 20th, 2006 at 11:57 pm
My librarian friend received another gift today. I just happened to be going by her library today so I stopped and dropped it off and she had tears in her eyes.
She told me that she has been weepy at the thought of the kindness of those who probably will never meet her. She told me to pass along to you all her sincere thanks and gratitude.
You all have made her holiday seasons much brighter. I don't think she can even express how much this means to her. Or to me also for that matter.
What a great group of people here!
Posted in
Life Happens
November 20th, 2006 at 12:17 pm
Aww...a sad night on Amazing Race. The Cho brothers were eliminated. I have been rooting for them from the beginning. Just a nice couple of guys who possess manners, loyalty and respect. Sad to see them go.
Now who the heck do I root for???
Posted in
Life Happens
November 20th, 2006 at 10:17 am
First off, exercise: 1 mile walk. Didn't get to exercise on Thursday or Friday. DS#3 had early morning basketball practice and I had to get him up at 4:45 both mornings. I hope that doesn't happen too often.
Quicken tells me that the gas bill needs to be sent out today. So $83 will be going to that. This is our first month back on the budget plan. Could be much worse. Before we had the wood pellet stove we were paying $189 a month, all year long! And that was back before the price for natural gas skyrocketed! This is a big house and since most of it had no insulation back then it was very hard to heat.
The kitchen addition still isn't done, so the coal stove hasn't been started yet to keep that heated. But we can already feel a difference in that room with just having those 2 walls insulated. The kitchen has always been the coldest room in the house.
Today's other spending will probably be for lunch. Today is a day on the road for me. I have to meet with the Workman's Comp auditor at 9 so he can audit the books of the library that I do the bookkeeping for. Then I have to take our Jeep we use for work to the garage so it can get the rear axle shafts replaced. That is just unbelievable to me. This is a brand new Jeep Liberty with 2,000 miles on it and it needs the rear axle shafts replaced already???
Posted in
Life Happens
November 19th, 2006 at 09:12 pm
Today's spending was just an online order for my meds. Copay for 3 months worth of blood pressure and thyroid medicine came to $57.34.
Posted in
November 18th, 2006 at 08:52 pm
My son and I went and picked up the food we had paid for through the Angel Food Ministries today. I'm fairly happy with what we received. There was no line to stand in at all. We were in and out in 2 minutes tops. It was a 10 minute drive, so all in all I think it was well worth it.
We got quite a variety of groceries and it really helped fill up our freezer, which had gotten pretty bare. They really do give you quite a bit of frozen food.
At first, the amounts you get looked little to me but then I had to remind myself that I was used to shopping at BJ's and also shopping for 7. For a smaller family or couple this would look normal.
I had held off paying to get next month's food but now I think I will go ahead and order it.
Posted in
Life Happens
November 18th, 2006 at 08:48 pm
My spending today consisted of things to treat my medical problem:
Dollar General= $2.12
IGA= $3.92
Posted in
November 18th, 2006 at 04:57 pm
Quote from a comment on my blog entry thanking those that helped my friend:
"Why not forego your tithing of $130 a month to your church and give it directly to your friend in need? I always thought you tithed to your church so that money could be used to help those less fortunate in the flock or yourself if you came down on hard times."
I am a bit offended by this. Maybe I'm reading it the wrong way, but I feel the commenter is judging me.
Let me tell you why I tithe to my church. Our church is a very small church, average of about 30 adults right now. It is going through hard times and we are just barely keeping the doors open. If I didn't tithe to the church they wouldn't be able to pay the bills on time. Also, as an elder's wife, what kind of an example would it be for me not to support my own church?
The church does have a benevolent fund with which we help out those in our own church and community who are in need. Just last month we supplied a family with groceries whose husband is not able to work because of health problems. My librarian friend is not in our community, but in another town. I did not ask the church to dip into what is left of the benevolent fund because of that. I have talked to individuals in the church who are willing to help her, but have not approached the church itself.
I did not post about my friend here with the thought that anyone here would offer to help. I posted about her in hopes that it would make each of us aware of how greatly we are blessed, even though we take it for granted. I was more than shocked when people wanted to send things to help her out. After all, I was pretty new here myself, and no one had any idea if I was trustworthy or not.
I don't usually take offense easily, and certainly don't usually stand up for myself. But I guess the judgmental and accusatory tone I read in the comment just set me off. I'm sorry if I have misread your intention.
Posted in
Life Happens
November 18th, 2006 at 01:30 am
According to the debt-reduction planner in Quicken if I continue making total payments on all debts of $1,290.85 each month and snowballing the payments as each debt gets paid off, we can be out of debt in June of 2013. This includes the house. By doing this, instead of making the minimum payments, we will save $45,965.10 in interest.
Personally, I know it can be done sooner and at a greater savings because I did not figure in my husband's profit sharing that we plan to apply to the debt or income tax return money.
Posted in
November 18th, 2006 at 01:09 am
Today's spending is easy:
$2.65 for a refill on my medicine
$10 for pizza for a late dinner
Posted in
November 18th, 2006 at 01:06 am
Just realized that I didn't post my spending yesterday. Let's see if I can remember it:
Tithe: $130
Home repairs: $280.97
Lunch for DS#2: around $7 (out of my pocket money)
Gas for car: $18
Posted in
November 17th, 2006 at 10:38 pm
2 more Walmart gift cards have come in for my friend. Thank you both so much. She was so touched that you all would be willing to do something for someone that you don't even know. I don't think you'll ever know how much it meant to her. She was just overwhelmed. I think Christmas was looking impossible and now she sees a glimmer of hope.
She told my boss that through all of this she has told her girls that they just need to look at what they do have and be thankful for those things. One of the things she pointed out to them is the friends they have.
That's a testimony to what has gotten her through all these trials: her positive outlook no matter how hard things get.
Posted in
Life Happens
November 17th, 2006 at 12:30 pm
Finally came up with a list after looking through others' lists and getting ideas:
1. Appeared in a fitness infomercial that aired a few times in 2004.
2. Had 5 kids in 7.5 years
3. Attended college for 1 month then quit and got married
4. Was married at 17 (missed being 18 by 6 days!)
5. Our honeymoon was 2 days at my parents' house while they stayed with my grandparents.
6. 8 days after the wedding my husband went to sea for 6 months (He had just come out of bootcamp in the Navy)
7. Our first home was a pop out camper on the banks of the York River in Virginia
8. Favorite candy: peanut M&Ms!
9. Favorite beverage: Dr. Pepper
10. I like to work Sudoku puzzles and keep a book in the car for times of waiting
11. Odd family fact: one year I turned 10 on the 10th and my brothers were 6 on the 6th and 3 on the 3rd
12. I still have all of my wisdom teeth
13. Have lived in the same town that I grew up in all my life except the 5 years in Virginia while husband was in the Navy
14. Husband and I have known each other since kindergarten.
15. Only time I got in trouble in school was when my husband passed me a note in 3rd grade and the teacher hung it on the bulletin board.
16. Husband used to chase me on the play ground in 4th grade and I would come home and tell my mother that I wished he would leave me alone because I hated him. :-)
17. Husband chipped my tooth in 5th grade.
18. Husband and I started dating in 10th grade because he asked me to the Christmas Ball
19. Never went to the Christmas Ball
20. Can't believe I made it to 20!
Posted in
November 16th, 2006 at 12:01 pm
I got up at 4:20 this morning to exercise only to find DD#1 sleeping on the couch for some reason. She should be at college. No idea yet why she is here as she's still sleeping. I'm sure she'll be up within the half hour because the younger kids are starting to arise and get ready for school. Soon music will be playing and there will be lots of traffic through the living room.
So that totally messed up my exercise plans since the living room is where I exercise.
I am taking the day off today because the repairman is supposed to come look at our refrigerator. It's one of the models that was included in a class action suit against GE. The icemaker has too much build up of moisture in the dispenser so that you have to open up the freezer and pull out the ice cube drawer to get the ice. The icemaker makes too much ice so that every time you pull the drawer out you get a shower of ice cubes that go down into the freezer and rain out all over your feet. Very annoying.
We have had the worst time getting this fixed. We contacted GE months ago and they told us the local shop to call to get it fixed. When I contacted the local guys they said that what GE is doing is just replacing the freezer door. Fine.
After 3 months (and not hearing a word) we contacted them again. They said they were waiting for all the pieces to come in. Pieces? We assumed the door would come in one piece. More waiting. No contact.
Finally we attempted to call GE's hotline for this problem. It took over a week and cumulative hours on the phone punching buttons to answer the automated menus and an average of 45 minutes on hold before my husband finally reached a real live person. They had no record of us being on the list to have this fixed! Grrr....
So today we have our 2nd repairman scheduled to arrive to see if we can get this fixed. Needless to say, we are not real eager to purchase anything else from GE.
Also scheduled to do a service call today is our furniture repair guy. We noticed a few weeks ago that the couch has a big piece of metal sticking out of the back. I have scratched myself twice and DH ripped his shirt on it. It's still under warranty (barely) so they are coming to get that taken care of.
This afternoon DS#2 has a hearing test. Then in the evening I'm off to take DS#3 to the Vo-Tech school's open house so he can check out their computer tech program. Busy day, even without going to work!
Posted in
November 16th, 2006 at 12:31 am
Today's spending:
Medical: $15 for DS#2's ears, $2.65 for medicine for me (can't believe it was that cheap!)
Lunch for DS#2 & me= about $12 (came out of my pocket money)
Groceries= $89.24 (put on cash back card)
Dinner out was free. We had forgotten that my husband's company had given each of the employees gift certificates LAST Christmas and we hadn't used them all. So we treated ourselves to dinner at a nice restaurant. And unbelievably they gave us the cash back that we didn't use. It was over $15!!! I assumed they'd just issue new certificates that we'd have to use there. So I've got $15 towards next time.
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