Home > Wednesday's Spending: 11/15/06

Wednesday's Spending: 11/15/06

November 16th, 2006 at 12:31 am

Today's spending:

Medical: $15 for DS#2's ears, $2.65 for medicine for me (can't believe it was that cheap!)
Lunch for DS#2 & me= about $12 (came out of my pocket money)
Groceries= $89.24 (put on cash back card)

Dinner out was free. We had forgotten that my husband's company had given each of the employees gift certificates LAST Christmas and we hadn't used them all. So we treated ourselves to dinner at a nice restaurant. And unbelievably they gave us the cash back that we didn't use. It was over $15!!! I assumed they'd just issue new certificates that we'd have to use there. So I've got $15 towards next time.

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