Home > 2 More to Thank

2 More to Thank

November 17th, 2006 at 10:38 pm

2 more Walmart gift cards have come in for my friend. Thank you both so much. She was so touched that you all would be willing to do something for someone that you don't even know. I don't think you'll ever know how much it meant to her. She was just overwhelmed. I think Christmas was looking impossible and now she sees a glimmer of hope.

She told my boss that through all of this she has told her girls that they just need to look at what they do have and be thankful for those things. One of the things she pointed out to them is the friends they have.

That's a testimony to what has gotten her through all these trials: her positive outlook no matter how hard things get.

3 Responses to “2 More to Thank”

  1. Ima saver Says:

    I am happy for your friend and hopes she gets more help. I sent a little something too.

  2. rduell Says:

    Thanks Ima!

  3. Joe W Says:

    Why not forego your tithing of $130 a month to your church and give it directly to your friend in need? I always thought you tithed to your church so that money could be used to help those less fortunate in the flock or yourself if you came down on hard times.

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