Archive for April, 2009
April 10th, 2009 at 03:22 pmThanks to Aleta for the nice comment you left on my last post. That made me decide I needed to drop in here and do an update.
I am excited to announce that we should be debt-free by the end of this year!!! We will be paying off the little mortgage this month. I am really excited to do that. Then we'll be whittling away at the car.
Is anyone planning on attending Dave Ramsey's Town Hall for Hope on April 23rd? Our church is hosting it. I am in charge of getting it all together. I've never done anything like this before, so I hope I'm doing everything I need to do. I have no idea how many to expect. I just hope it's more than just my husband and me. LOL
I'm still working on my accounting degree. I only have another month left of this semester. It will be nice to have a summer break.