Well, once again it's been several months since I've been here. It's been a busy time. I'm still taking classes toward an accounting degree. This semester has been particularly tough.
A couple of weeks ago DH and I chaperoned our youth group on a trip to NYC to work with The Relief Bus. It's a mobile soup kitchen based out of Newark, NJ that provides soup, bread and clothing to the poor and homeless in NYC. They also refer them to shelters, job opportunities, health care and counseling centers. It was a really neat few days. It was awesome to see the youth in our group (2 of them our own) step out of their comfort zone and reach out to those less fortunate than themselves. We were all blessed, probably far more than those to whom we ministered.
And some exciting news for us: In 3 weeks DH and I will be facilitating our first Financial Peace University class at our church! This has been a dream of mine for a long time and I'm so excited to finally be getting to do it. We have 20 families signed up so far. I am really looking forward to it. If it changes one family's life as much as it has ours, it will be so worth it!
We are getting so close to being debt-free (except the house)! I can't wait!!!
March 4th, 2010 at 02:55 am 1267671313
March 4th, 2010 at 04:24 pm 1267719874
March 4th, 2010 at 05:53 pm 1267725200
DH and I were asked to lead a second installation of our parish's "7 Steps to Financial Freedom Seminar" ~ we've agreed to in the Fall. I'm not looking forward to it because I don't do well in group settings (I didn't fare very well conducting group counseling sessions when I worked). I'm assured it will be easy. Please advise on how it goes!
March 4th, 2010 at 06:10 pm 1267726213
I am a very quiet person who rarely speaks up in a group of 6 or more. The night we did the preview for FPU I was really nervous about getting up afterward and speaking to the group. The pastor had asked us to answer questions and give a short testimony of how the program had changed our lives. I was surprised that, once we got up there, I was okay. I feel so strongly about Dave's program because it has totally transformed our finances, that I had no problem telling others about it. I'm hoping the classes are as easy. :-)