Home > Dealing with the News

Dealing with the News

December 15th, 2006 at 10:23 am

Well, wasn't yesterday quite the day!

After finding out that I have the cyst on my brain I called DH and he immediately came home to be with me. We talked for a while and then decided to get out and do something so we went out for lunch (DH's treat), grocery shopping and then DH's eye exam and ordering new glasses.

We waited last night until DD#1 came home from college for Christmas break and then told the 4 kids (still have to tell DS#1 when we pick him up at college tomorrow). They really took it pretty well. We were honest with them about what was going on and gave them all the information that we know now. We told them that it could be something that the doctors just want to keep an eye on or it could mean much more serious things. We just don't know. DD#1 asked a lot of questions, but the rest were pretty quiet.

We explained that it's not a tumor. I didn't want them to think that I have cancer. I'm really glad that DD#1 is home because I think that will help DD#2 to deal with it better.

After the family talk I called my parents and broke the news to them. I gave my mom the job of informing the rest of the family. With having an aunt that had a brain tumor a few years ago and gained a lot of weight from that, it's not going to be a new experience for the family. One of my brothers called last night and left a message since we'd already gone to bed. I know everyone is concerned.

Now the plan is to decide where we want to be referred to and see what the experts say. I do know that one very important thing is to keep the blood pressure down. So that's going to be a challenge. The new medicine has been working really well up until yesterday. So obviously I need to avoid all the stress I can. Easier said than done.

DH and I had a long talk about finances and how stressed I am over them, so he's a lot more understanding about spending and how it affects me. I told him that one thing I'm really worried about is what all this is going to do to our finances. I know that health is much more important, but it does worry me. Makes it even more important to pay off as much as we can. I told him that I want to continue to do the finances because I enjoy it and because I would stress more if he did them. LOL! He tends to put things aside until later and I'd always be worried that we were bouncing checks or not paying bills.

11 Responses to “Dealing with the News”

  1. moneycents Says:

    I hope everything will be alright. Sending blessing your way.

  2. miclason Says:

    Hope things turn out ok. I understand about being worried about's you said, obviously health comes first but, one really cannot help worry about the financial aspect.
    I know it's not much help in the practical sense but, we are here for you... ((hugs))

  3. Ima saver Says:

    hugs from me too.

  4. marymara Says:

    Hugs! As far as finances are concerned just pay as best you can. They won't really do anything if you are trying.

  5. fairy74 Says:

    Good thoughts going out to you and your familySmile

  6. monkeymama Says:

    Just wanted to say - Hang in There!

    One day at a time...

    Sending good thoughts.

  7. rduell Says:

    Thank you all. It really does help to know that there are people thinking of me and there when I need to vent. :-)

  8. Broken Arrow Says:

    Wow. Hope everything turns out for the better soon!

  9. janH Says:

    Having family rally around you means a lot. Here's good thoughts going out to you during the holiday and beyond. Keep us posted. We care about you and what you are going through!

  10. LuxLiving Says:

    Praying for you and yours!!

  11. baselle Says:

    Sending thoughts of health your way.

    And if you enjoy doing the finances, you should do them. It would be an objective way to test whether you're improving or not. But make sure DH knows what you know.

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