Home > A Possible Diagnosis

A Possible Diagnosis

December 13th, 2006 at 11:17 am

I have a possible diagnosis of what is wrong with me. They think I have gout.

I was doing some searching on the internet yesterday afternoon and for some reason put "uric acid high blood pressure" into Google. Up came all these links for gout. I didn't really know much about it so I began to read and was shocked when I read these symptoms:

-severe pain suddenly in a joint causing inflamation (swelling, feeling warm, skin red, tight, shiny)
-general sick feeling
-rapid heartbeat

I have had severe elbow pain since July. I have mentioned that several times to the doctor but it kept getting passed off as a minor concern with everything else going on. Just my sleeve brushing on it makes it feel very tender. It quite often feels inflamed.

The other night when I was feeling so badly, it all seemed to radiate from the elbow. I had been telling DH for the past month that I felt like my elbow was sending poison throughout my body. Maybe I was right!

So I'm on 2 different medications for it. Already today the elbow is feeling better. I can only feel the arthritis-like feeling a little in it.

Now to find out if the swelling is related to this? I have noticed small twinges in my kidney area so I'm wondering if it's gone on long enough that there is some kidney damage and the swelling is resulting from that?

3 Responses to “A Possible Diagnosis”

  1. miclason Says:

    gout causes swelling, my godfather suffered from it...besides the pills, there are also some dietary changes to make... Hope you're feeling better soon!

  2. Thrifty Ray Says:

    I somehow missed this post until today...but I am so sorry to hear about all of your pain. I sure hope they discover what is the root here and that they are able to treat accordingly. {{hugs to you}}

  3. yummy64 Says:

    I'm crossing my fingers that you get a definite diagnosis soon and that getting on the right treatment will make the world of difference for you. I bet for you knowing what is happening would be the best Christmas present you could imagine

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