Home > MRI


December 12th, 2006 at 11:14 am

This morning I will be having the MRI of my brain to see if the health problems I've been having are caused by a brain tumor. The only reason they're checking for this is that I mentioned to them that about 4 years ago one of my aunts suddenly gained a LOT of weight and was very swollen. The cause was a tumor on the front of her brain. She also had extreme headaches and seizures though and I have not had that.

Last night after studying I sat on the couch from 7:30 to 10:00 and my heart felt like it was going to pound out of my chest. I got up and took my blood pressure and it was 103/73 (which is very good) but my pulse was 89. Just sitting on the couch! Something isn't right and they need to do something soon. I can't keep feeling like this all the time. If DH hadn't already gone to bed I would have had him take me to the ER.

8 Responses to “MRI”

  1. Carolina Bound Says:

    I am so sorry for your troubles and hope you have a good result today.

  2. marymara Says:

    All my best to you. Health issues are scary for sure, but I hope yours will be easy to correct.

  3. fern Says:

    If your BP is normal but your resting pulse is 89, it sounds like you're not getting enough cardiovascular exercise. That would bring the pulse down.

  4. janH Says:

    Could have been anxiety? I have times when my heart rate is up, but I don't have blood pressure problems. You are facing a daunting test and haven't been feeling well. Stress and anxiety! However, to be on the safe side, you probably should mention it to your doctor. They need to know it happened. I need to exercise, too. It is better when I do. My thoughts are with you today.

  5. rduell Says:

    Unfortunately, it's not just an exercise problem. I wish it was. I have been a faithful exerciser for the past 4 years and they have made me stop for right now until they know what's going on.

    Jan...I have thought about anxiety. I don't know that that would make me gain so much weight and be so swollen though. There are just so many strange symptoms that it's rather overwhelming. I've started keeping a list and adding to it every time I think of something.

  6. Ima saver Says:

    Bless your heart, I hope you find out something soon!

  7. miclason Says:

    I will pray that you find out soon what it is, and that it is something "mild" and easily curable!... ((hugs))

  8. LuckyRobin Says:

    I thought I'd comment on this on the off chance that perhaps you are having an MSG reaction? I am severely allergic to MSG and it has caused racing heart and extreme water retention and a multitude of other symptoms. Since cutting it out of my diet I seldom have such symptoms and when I do, its because I accidently ate something with MSG or an MSG act-alike. My daughter is allergic to and in her the symptoms presented as extreme anxiety and water retention. You'd be surprised how many things MSG and MSG act-alikes are in.

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