Home > $20 Challenge Standstill

$20 Challenge Standstill

December 9th, 2006 at 10:51 am

Looks like I won't be contributing to my $20 challenge money for a while. The doctor has put me on light duty so I am not allowed to do any book deliveries until my blood pressure and health are back to normal. Who knows how long that will take! I know that I wouldn't be able to do a delivery anyway.

Yesterday instead of going to work my boss told me to just go to the library here in town where I used to be the director (1 block from my house) and help them with their barcoding. DH dropped me off while he went grocery shopping with DD#2. They picked me up when they came back and I was wiped out. All I did was peel barcodes and stick them on books! I came home and took a nap and then went to the church to run off the bulletins. I was ready for another nap when I got home from that. Pathetic, just pathetic.

I won't be going to church tomorrow. I'm to avoid any stress and honestly, that's the biggest stress in my life right now. So I'll stay home and probably curl up with a good book and sleep.

3 Responses to “$20 Challenge Standstill”

  1. Ima saver Says:

    Wow, sure hope you get to feeling better soon!

  2. Aleta Says:

    Take care of yourself. You'll be back in no time. Meanwhile maybe you can think of new ideas. Sometimes when a door is closed, another one opens so have faith. Just rest and listen to your body.

  3. janH Says:

    I remember when the docs made me destress (how to do that with two kids???) and made me stay home from everything. It did help to let go of all the outside stuff for awhile. Hope it helps you rest and hope your health improves real fast!

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