Home > Thyroid Ultrasound & Echocardiogram

Thyroid Ultrasound & Echocardiogram

December 7th, 2006 at 09:37 pm

I had my 2 tests this morning. I headed over the hill early because the lake-effect snow was starting up and I wanted to get over there before the roads were too bad. So I went to the office for a half hour and then on to the hospital.

The thyroid ultrasound was really uncomfortable only because you have to lay with your shoulders on a pillow so your head is tilted in such a way that they can get to your thyroid. Well, that position made me feel like my head was going to explode. I'm assuming because of the blood pressure.

After the ultrasound I waited in the waiting area for 45 minutes until it was time for the echocardiogram. I got to feeling so poorly that if I trusted myself to try to walk on my own I would have walked down the hall to the ER. I just felt terrible. I just hung in there though and was relieved when it was someone I know that came to get me for the test. I told her I wasn't feeling well, just in case.

But after lying on my left side for 20 minutes while she did the test I felt better. She took my BP after she was done and it was 180/108 so I can only imagine what it was before I laid down.

My MRI of the brain is scheduled for Tuesday morning. They said that all of my blood work came back perfect. There is no sign of any heart problems that the blood test picked up on and my thyroid levels were fine. Good, but disappointing that it didn't pinpoint what the problem is.

If none of these tests show anything they're going to test me for
Text is Cushing's Disease and Link is
Cushing's Disease. The more I read about that, the more it sounds just like I've been feeling.

DH said we'll let them finish the tests they're thinking of doing, but if they don't find anything we're either headed to Buffalo or Erie to some specialists.

5 Responses to “Thyroid Ultrasound & Echocardiogram”

  1. Ima saver Says:

    I sure hope they can find out what is wrong. What is cushing disease?

  2. Ima saver Says:

    I just read up on it. Hopefully, you don't have it.

  3. rduell Says:


    If you click on the words Cushing's Disease in my post it will take you to a page about it. It's a disease that is caused by a tumor either on your pituitary gland, adrenal glands, or even a lung. It can also be caused by steroid use, which I just found out through researching yesterday is in my allergy nasal spray and probably my allergy shots I get. You gain a tremendous amount of weight and have all other kinds of symptoms of which I have almost all.

  4. moneycents Says:

    Please get your B/P under control. With those numbers you are also risking kidney problems and stroke. I totally agree with you to go to a specialist if none of these test results show anything conculsive. Please feel better!

  5. janH Says:

    Oh, I hope they find the problem and you get better soon!

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