Home > Interesting Dr. Visit

Interesting Dr. Visit

December 5th, 2006 at 11:58 pm

Just got back from my 2nd doctor's visit today. They aren't too happy with me that I kept putting off going. My blood pressure was 220/188! And that's with taking BP medicine daily. So...

He gave me samples of the BP med I'm taking but doubled the dose and included a diuretic in it. I told him that I've felt bloated and swollen for months and that I've gained over 40 pounds in less than a year. I'm still exercising daily. My skin is constantly dry and I just feel uncomfortable. My last thyroid test came back fine so he thinks I'm retaining water from the BP med.

This is really getting expensive. I've had to buy all kinds of clothes in different sizes plus I just refilled the BP medicine that he doesn't want me to take!


5 Responses to “Interesting Dr. Visit”

  1. Thrifty Ray Says:

    rduell- When I found out I had high blood pressure...mine was 195/115 and they said I was in the stroke zone!!! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you that this new med keeps things under better control!

  2. rduell Says:

    Thanks Ray. I think it explains the way I've been feeling for quite a while now. It's amazing how you can just ignore stuff and sort of get used to feeling poorly.

  3. Ima saver Says:

    I have the same problem, real high blood pressure. I have been taking medication for 22 years and it is still high.

  4. Aleta Says:

    My thoughts and prayers are with you. Keep your head up and I'm glad that you went to the doctor and found out your numbers. As they say, you can't do something about what you don't know. It's always a lttle scary. I bought myself a blood pressure monitor and I have in past used it 3 times a day to monitor when my blood pressure goes up. For me, it was a wise investment.

  5. fairy74 Says:

    Hopefully the new medication regime has you feeling spiffy soon!

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