Home > Today's Agenda

Today's Agenda

December 4th, 2006 at 11:58 am

Today is the day of the MRA for DS#2 to check for an aneurysm. I will go in and work half a day and then go get him from Vo-tech. There is snow on the roads today and I talked to DH after he got to work. He said they're icy in spots so I'm assuming all the hills I have to drive over are going to be fun.

I also need to stop on my way to get DS and pick up a copier cartridge for the church copier. This should be the last time I need to do it since I'm not doing the bulletins next year. Instead, I've taken on the job of Financial Secretary. I liked doing bulletins but I know I'll enjoy this job much more.

3 Responses to “Today's Agenda”

  1. fern Says:

    Drive carefully; we'll be thinking about you.

  2. rduell Says:

    Thanks Fern! The roads on the way to work were not good, but by the time of the appointment they were fine.

  3. LuckyRobin Says:

    I hope you get some answers on your son's problems soon.

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