Home > Filling Up...

Filling Up...

November 14th, 2006 at 10:48 am

Thought I'd start posting my exercise here each morning so that I'm somewhat more accountable to getting it done. I don't usually have that problem, but you never know...

So today I got up at 4:15 and did the Fluidity Beginner workout. Tough one. I haven't even tried the Intermediate workout yet and I've had them for months now.

I already know that today's expenses will include filling up the car with gas. I do get to use my new Chase Freedom card though, so that I can start working on that free $250! I just need to remember to use it when getting groceries too. I'm so used to using my debit card for that that I'll probably forget.

We should be hearing soon if we are accepted for the term insurance. The paramedic said that it would be about a week. If so, I need to begin figuring out how to cash in the whole life policies we have and cancel the other term insurance we're carrying on my husband which is much more expensive than what we've applied for.

1 Responses to “Filling Up...”

  1. tinapbeana Says:

    I just need to remember to use it when getting groceries too. I'm so used to using my debit card for that that I'll probably forget.
    wrap a post-it note around your debit card that says USE THE OTHER ONE! Big Grin

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