Home > Back From Jail

Back From Jail

November 10th, 2006 at 07:02 pm

Thought that title might get some attention. LOL!

Part of my job is a sort of bookmobile/delivery service. One of those deliveries every quarter is to the county jail. Today was the day.

The jail only houses male inmates, so you can imagine that I get some interesting comments when I go in. But I also get many good comments. I usually have at least one inmate that will call out a thank you to me as I go by their rec room on my way to the library/conference room.

I actually don't really mind going there because I know that, for the most part, the service is appreciated. I am always saddened though as I go through the books that have been there for the quarter how many of the young adult titles have been read. Most of the faces I see are teenage/early 20s. What a way to start your adult life.

3 Responses to “Back From Jail”

  1. tinapbeana Says:

    in college i minored in violence studies and we toured the women's federal pen in atlanta, and i gotta say the ladies are more poorly behaved than the gents....

    the literacy rates in prisons are typically pretty low. do you get to choose which types of books you bring by? are there any for folks trying to learn reading, math, finances, etc?

  2. rduell Says:

    My boss picks out the books that go to the jail. We do have the choice of what we send. I don't think she really has sent anything that has to do with math or finances. I don't think we have any in our collection about learning to read, which is kind of surprising since she took literacy training.

  3. tinapbeana Says:

    wow, nothing? it's not common, but some folks in prison really do take the opportunity to rehab themselves and get ready for life outside (my uncle got his degree in prison)...

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