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Just Thoughts

November 9th, 2006 at 11:14 am

Health exam for the term insurance is over. Yeah! We should hear in about a week if we can be covered or not. If we do get the insurance I'll have to decide what to do with the money we'll be getting from the whole life insurance cash value. I would like to take it and pay down the CCs. It would come within about $600 of paying them off. I have a feeling that DH will be wanting to use the money to fix the house up though.

I need to sit down today and figure out how much I need to pay extra on the CCs that has been added because of Christmas gifts. I have the money in savings just need to transfer it over and get the payment made.

Today is a delivery day for me at work so I'll be on the road. That probably means buying lunch. Sometimes I take a lunch with me. I'll have to see what I have available to pack. Get tired of PB&J all the time.

I'll be making an extra $40 this month from my side job as a bookkeeper for the library in town. They want me to come up with a budget for them for 2007. At first they wanted to pay me $20. I don't think so. DH told me to tell them $100. I knew that would never happen. Of course, I'm not going to count on the money until I actually see it. I was supposed to get paid extra for doing a salary projection for them because of the minimum wage increase and never saw that money after spending a few hours working it up for them.

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