Home > Blood Work

Blood Work

November 8th, 2006 at 03:36 pm

Tonight's the paramedic exam for the term life insurance. I just finished my "lunch" (it's 10:30 a.m.) because we're supposed to fast for 12 hours, but the examiner told me since he's not meeting us until 5:30 to just stop eating as early as we can. So I ate my turkey sandwich extra-early. Now to get the water down so hopefully it's easier to take my blood. I do not bleed well for blood work. They've had to syphon it out of me before.

Got my weekly deposit into my Amboy account set up for Friday.

Made the last payment on DS#2's broken thumb from last October! Paid! Yeah! Just that little bit paid off is an encouragement.

5 Responses to “Blood Work”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    I'm not great at giving blood either. I ALWAYS tell them to use a butterfly is a smaller needle, so it takes a little more time...but they always get the vein. I ALWAYS have to lay down too. I hope it goes well for you. It will be nice to get it done.

  2. LuxLiving Says:

    Great news on the payoff! It does feel good to start getting out from under!

  3. jersey jen Says:

    hey, that's good news!

  4. fern Says:

    I've had so much trouble that i've given up donating blood to red cross. My veins are small, they 'roll' and on top of that i'm like a camel so when you try to give blood and your'e dehydrated, the blood just doesn't flow!

    i have organ donor on my driver's license, tho, so hopefully that makes up for it.

  5. rduell Says:

    Well, the blood drawing didn't go great, but it got done! He said I have very deep veins so he had trouble even finding them.

    Fern... I don't donate either because of the difficulty I have. DH, on the other hand, is donating again tonight. He does it regularly.

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