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Vanguard Account is Open!

December 9th, 2006 at 10:41 am

I got a call from Vanguard yesterday that I needed to call the company that my SEP IRA is in now and ask them to liquidate the holdings so that they can be rolled over to Vanguard. I did that, called them back to let them know it is done and asked what to do about this month's contribution since it will come out of the next paycheck. They said my account is open and gave me the address to mail it too. So this Friday I'll be making my first contribution to my Vanguard Target Retirement 2030 fund.

I got my results back from the term insurance health exam. About the only results I understood were the negative findings for cocaine and marijuana. That's good to know. LOL! I never dreamed this process would take so long! I thought maybe a month or so. I'm itching to cash in the whole life insurance to put on CC#2!

2 Responses to “Vanguard Account is Open!”

  1. Aleta Says:

    Congratulations! I know that you'll be happy with Vanguard. Your stocks and bonds are in one fund. All you have to do is to multiply your shares by the price that day to get your retirement savings. I have all of my accounts with Vanguard. I do so, so that I can transfer easily without a hassle. I'm in for simplifying my life. They track the index's. How bad could that be?

  2. Broken Arrow Says:

    Hooray for progress! Smile

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